Implementing a new IT system is a challenging project, but with a thorough analysis and plan, the risk of failure is reduced. If the preparatory work is done carefully, the implementation is hopefully going to be a successful project that you’ll ultimately be proud of. In order to successfully install an IT system, there are a few points that may be good to keep in mind. Based on our long and accumulated experience, we have listed some important steps.
First and foremost, you want to choose the right IT system for your business. If you haven’t already done so, please read our article: Choose the right ERP system – 6 steps before continuing reading this article.
1. Don’t forget the needs analysis
A fundamental analysis and mapping of the company’s needs is crucial for the project outcome. System users should also be involved in the decision-making process from the beginning. This increases the chances of a good receival of the system you invest in. It is difficult to implement a major organizational change, such as a change of systems, without the support of the company’s personnel. Read more about the fundamental analysis and the mapping of your company’s needs here.
2. Select team members for the project team
Once a system and a system supplier have been selected, it is time to start the implementation project. First of all, the different roles of the project must be defined. The project organization may look different depending on the size and scope of the project, but below is a description of how the composition of a typical project team can look like in most industries.
The project should have a project owner who is responsible for the project, does follow-ups and acts as support and driving force when needed. The project owner is often a CEO, top manager or a department manager who initiates the project idea and assembles the project team.
The project owner, in turn, appoints a project manager who has authority, support of the management and sufficient time for the project. This is to ensure that the project moves forward as efficiently as possible. A good project manager should be structured, committed, clear and driven, among other things.
The project team should include representatives of all relevant stakeholders. A good way to map out the actors involved and their needs is to draw an overview of the parties that are going to be affected by the system in some way. Furthermore, it is also important to think about involving individuals who are creative, see reasonable opportunities and have an insight into the company’s processes. When the project team is composed, people who are going to be responsible for the various parts of the project must be appointed clearly. For instance, it’s good to have someone in charge of the schedule and the milestones, while someone else is responsible for the budget and a third person for following up results.
In order for the project to have a good chance of success, a project team should also be set up on the supplier’s side.
3. Ask your system supplier for advice
Ask your system supplier for recommendations on how to proceed with the implementation. The company developing the system often has a lot of experience in both successful and unsuccessful implementations and can give you some handy advice based on their experiences.
4. Communication is key!
The most important thing for a project to succeed is good communication. It is important to make sure that the communication between you and the system supplier, between the project team members and between the project team and the organization works well. In communication with the system supplier, you should clearly present your needs before the implementation begins, to make sure that the supplier understands you and can meet your requirements. Also, be clear about what you expect from the supplier and make sure that both parties understand each other’s possibilities and limitations.
5. Write a project plan and follow it
The next step is to write a project plan with a reasonable time estimate and clear milestones. The project plan defines the project objectives, how the project will be carried out, and the expected outcome.
6. Get employees to accept the change
Make sure that all employees understand their roles in the system and why the implementation is going to be carried out. Fear of change is something that exists in all companies and you should work actively on the organizational culture to ensure that it is ready when change occurs. As mentioned, it is also important that the project manager has full support of the management in the event that the staff begin to oppose the change.
7. Free up time for user training and skills development
Train your staff before they start using the system. Also encourage the staff to help each other. Sharing knowledge not only facilitates the implementation of your new IT system, it also benefits your company’s long-term development.
When implementing an IT system, user training carried out by the system supplier is usually included. Our recommendation is to arrange the first training session on site at the office. This gives the educator opportunity to show users the system in a controlled way and help you get started.
8. Considerations after implementation
Let the new processes take their time! After commissioning, it’s easy to get impatient. The positive effects and results do not happen overnight. Therefore, be patient. Employees can easily fall back into their old ways of working. Counteract this by assigning responsibility for the system to one person or a team that will ensure that the company makes full use of the system’s capabilities in the future.
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